When the Birmingham family courts rule on child custody matters, they take many factors into consideration when determining where the children will live. One potential factor that could influence the court’s decision is the parent’s living accommodations. There is no single standard for acceptable living conditions. It’s dependent on many things, including the parents’ and children’s unique circumstances. But the courts can also consider local and state norms. It’s also a fairly subjective decision, as the judge’s own personal opinions and biases can creep in. However, the overriding concern will be what is best for the children. Economic factors typically secondary to family ties Few courts can justify keeping an otherwise loving and attentive parent from exercising his or her custodial or visitation rights simply due to the parent’s lower socioeconomic circumstances. If the parent lives in a three-room shotgun shack, that’s a reality that must be dealt with accordingly. … Continue reading Do I need a separate bedroom for all of my kids?